There is a lot in the world to be angry about and while I could make a list, let me instead share my frustration when I witness the needs of so many people being neglected in the healthy living community. While every mainstream “expert” is selling hundred-dollar cleanses, everyday people still have to suffer trying to change their lifestyle for the better. Let’s be clear, eating well is a right not a privilege! You wouldn’t know it if you looked around.
If you listen to the blogs you have basically two choices: either eat organic (good and expensive) or not (bad and bad). Then to make matters worse, it’s followed up with fearing food (no gluten, no carbs, no grains, no sugar, no fat and no meat). Instead take daily yoga classes, which easily cost $20 per class (goodness forbid there were more by-donation classes available, a very yogi thing to do) and if you don’t have time to cook or shop, subscribe to Blue Apron, Purple Carrot or Sakara Life. You can also live a clean life by drinking cold-pressed juices and eating homemade chia pudding… While some of this is helping many I also say “URGH”. I grew up eating clean simple delicious foods and there was never a chia seed involved and that’s because there doesn’t need to be. There are so many simple solutions to be had but listening to the experts everything is just super expensive and inaccessible and not only am I sick of it, I am going to change it.
Thankfully as an entrepreneur, I live for untapped markets (it’s my thing) so if no one wants to address the needs of single parents, young kids in and just out of college and young adults living in expensive cities while struggling to have a quality of life, I will. While some say they have no money to spend, I know they do and they will if someone would just show them what to spend it on and why.
There’s a store chain in Southern California and Nevada called the 99Cent Store. They have a gazillion stores and carry everything from food, household items, tools, school supplies… Whenever I would go there I would find myself studying and observing their customer (you’d be surprised at the variety of people that shop there) what they bought and how much they were spending. I also took note of how thriving this business is and the immense value and convenience they offer their customer. For a while, I became obsessed with studying that store (After discovering non-GMO corn tortillas in there, I started filming videos to teach people about the amazing finds they could get for a buck) and now, years later, I wonder if it was because I am supposed to apply what I learned here and now.
Farmer’s Market Groupie is a brand that will meet you where you are. Whether you have $5 or $50, I have the realistic goals, classes, products and resources that will add great value to your life while gladly squashing the notion that this lifestyle is elitist and exclusive. Living the good life means having access to diversity, options and resources and so if no one has the guts or creativity to share all that with you then I’m honored to do it and in the same breath, show the world what it really means to live the good life!
I would love to hear your thoughts. Are your healthy living and clean eating needs being met as a consumer? What do you wish you had access to that you currently do not? Please leave a comment and share your thoughts.
Expect Great Things.