For Home Cooks On A Budget – Stock Up!

You see recipes calling for stock all of the time and in your mind, you may think to just run down to the market and buy some because of course you don’t have any at home. Why would you? Well, before I tell you why you would and should have home made stock in your fridge/freezer let me first tell you how you are throwing money and resources out the window if you don’t. Buying stock only for a recipe, if…

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If You Eat Meat Be Smart About Your Consumption. Know More!

It’s time for a little tough love folks. I will never lecture anyone about their choice to eat meat. Instead, my work is to educate and inspire my audience to use food as a vehicle for living a healthy and happy life however when I do feel a moral obligation to give some tough love because I feel we are sabotaging the chances of a bright future, I cannot sit idly by. So… We know about the colossal land mass…

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What Is Healthy Anyway?

The most important thing I can tell you is if you are resourceful and committed to living a healthy lifestyle then no matter the financial challenges you are experiencing or the lack of experience you have in the kitchen, you can live a healthy and abundant life. I think what is tripping many of us up along the way is this word “healthy” and grasping the true meaning of that word while so many people are determined to confuse us…

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Wasting Food is Bad Behavior. Change It!

Since 40-50% of food waste in America is at the consumer level then we clearly need to change how we shop for food. Food waste is wrong. Period. It is immoral when you think about how many people (children especially) are hungry in this country and that food waste contributes to the very emissions that are rapidly contributing to climate change. Wasting food can also comes across as entitled and shows a lack of practiced gratitude and appreciation for the cost of…

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What My Farmer Told Me

Today is Sunday and of course that means I am at the farmer’s market. JR Organics’ had fresh beautiful crown broccoli surrounded by the most gorgeous lush greens and even though I did not plan on buying broccoli today, I am mad for broccoli greens so immediately picked a beauty for myself. Loving them so much I couldn’t imagine anyone ever asking their farmer to remove these like they often request with carrot tops and beet greens. Are broccoli greens victim to this too? And why don’t…

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It’s Time To Make New Friends.

Oh My My! My heart swelling with LOVE beats. What a beautiful true story about an absolutely true friendship and living proof yet again of the plethora of non-human life, love and conversation that is happening all around us. We are not the only ones with families, friendships, values and feelings. There are beautiful experiences happening for non-humans that are just as deep, valuable and emotional as what we are accustomed to. We are but one species out of probably…

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What My Mother Taught Me.

Today marked nine years since my mom passed. It also happened to be her birthday. Though it may get easier to manage my emotions after so much time, the loss of her from my life will never leave me. I always miss her, especially now. Farmer’s Market Groupie is a transition after a long career in organic beauty but food and teaching are core to who I am, because of my mom. When I was a little pee-wee – the nickname my mama had for me – my mother was always…

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Don’t Eat That!

I don’t care how “cheap” food is because the conversation has more to do with “What is cheap anyway?” and “How much is this product really costing my health, my child’s health and the health of the planet?” Those questions, no matter your budget, are way more important than “How much does it cost?” because even fifty cents is too much for   glysophate. You only have one body and knowingly consuming a toxin proven to cause cancer is downright crazy!…

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How To Buy Honey While Protecting The Interests Of Our Honeybee Friend.

When buying honey you can find yourself facing an ethical dilemma. You may already know that since 2007 when we started hearing about colony collapse disorder, beekeepers have experienced an average annual hive loss rate of 30%. With combined factors like agricultural insecticides and neonicotinoids, the unsustainable  practices of commercial beekeepers like using acid in the hives, feeding their bees a daily diet of sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup and taking their bees hundreds and even thousands of miles from their natural…

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Real Food, Fake Food.

Larry Olmsted is an award-winning journalist and author of Real Food Fake Food. This book, though troubling in so many ways as he exposes the massive food fraud that is happening in this country from everything from olive oil, red snapper, shrimp, parmesan cheese… I mean the list goes on. However the great thing about this book is that Mr. Olmstead also makes sure to deliver very accessible solutions and ways around this madness in our food system and takes time to…

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